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Friday, October 14, 2011

School Uniforms

School Uniforms

Imagine walking into a school ready for people to be amazed by you, you're not wearing a uniform; you’re wearing your favorite outfit! People see your shirt and come running by you going "Oh My God, That shirts so cute and so you!” Then reality kicks in you walk in wearing the same outfit as everyone else, a polo, plaid skirt, stockings, and Mary Janes, so not you!  In middle school, every teenage girl is finding themselves, friends, and hobbies. If you see a girl with the same style, you might have a lot in common with her! You see a lot of girls dressed like their personality if you took away  their personality and put a school uniform in, imagine what they’re going to turn out like! This is only one of the reasons that schools shouldn't have uniforms.

First,  girls and boys are always finding themselves in middle school whether it’s doing a sport or finding a hobby, or even finding their style. Personally, I'm still finding who I can be; no one’s done searching because everyday somebody finds something new about them. What if we had uniforms?  What if we were all the same? Everyone would just see us a group not an individual!

Second, When a new girl comes to your, school  and, she has a style kind of like yours, you might have a lot  in common. Like, maybe she's wearing athletic type clothing, and you enjoy playing sports, there you go! Now if you're in uniforms, no one might even notice her, she would just be another "human".  She would have to show off her personality, her creativeness! Instead the school chose to have uniforms and she's stuck playing on the playground alone with her thoughts.

Lastly, There are a lot of pros and cons to having uniforms. Some of the pros include… Kids won't be teased for how much money they, have or how their "dressed". Also kids would be pressured to be popular and make their parents buy them nice clothing, but with uniforms that’s not the case. Lastly, gangs won’t be about wearing their gang shirt and then getting into a fight with another "gang".

There a lot of pros to having uniforms because over all its just sad that a kid wouldn't be able to express themselves, and who they are! These days though money is a big issue, with the recession and all and some parents might just find it hard to be able to support their family!  it might be easier to go with uniforms! I think uniforms are HORRIBLE and I am glad are school does not have them :)!  My point is, is that I’m curious why teachers or parents would want their child to wear uniforms. As a middle school kid we want to be out there, we want to show everyone who we are and our outfits are how we do that.

                                                                                                                                Thank you,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jessica Bacon

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