Live life,eat candy;)

Live,love,drink milk


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


If you are reading this you might think why would I write this. I got the inspiration from one day. This day I was watching the news. It was about this one woman who was held hostage in a foreign country. This story moved me into thinking what would it be like to be this woman. Here's my story.

No where to go. No where to be found. No way in or out. This place felt like a cage, a trap even maybe of some sort. I start sprinting one way to find that I have just been put in hostage. After they taped me up I started to doze away into my thoughts. I had a dream that reminded me to never give up to keep fighting for what's inside. When I woke up these people were examining me and putting pressure on my theighs, legs, and knees. I tried talking to them but they couldn't understand what I was saying. I started to freak out they held me down. I was freightned. They let me go to take a walk in the deep jungle. But they made me gyrate instead of walk in a straight line. Then I got dizzy, and soon more dizzy and I fainted from lack of food. They brought me inside and fed me some chicken noodle soup. It was so disturbing in my stomach it tasted like cold water with hard peices of grain with to mini carrots that weren't even cooked. But at least it wasn't nothing. After that they put me in a room and a translator came in. He Said hello and obviously I said Hi back it's a polite thing to do. He started to explain why i'm here and so forth. Honestly all I got out of it was they thought I was an American spy and in 3 months i would be free to create my own adventures. I tried to explain to him that I didn't cross the border but he didn't beleive me.

 A month later....
I dropped 20 pounds so hungary I would eat a cow. My stomach growled in disgust, and I had a bad headache. I heard the wind howl explaining to me that winter is so close I could reach it. As the days went on I began to lose ounces that turned to more pounds. The lighter I got meant I would get colder and colder each day. One day I have gotten so cold my lips turned blue and I stopped breathing. Another, my whole entire body froze and they had me in so much blankets so I could come back to normal. It was my last week in the horror fest. Nothing really changed accept for the fact that i'm even more hungary. Days and days went past and soon I was free to go. I was happy and excited to live my life. I closed my eyes and opened them I was free.

Now after you read this think about what it would be like. No food, just work, no sleep.


  1. I really liked your topic for your story it was interesting. You had a few spelling and grammar mistakes. Some of your sentences didn't make sense like "I dropped 20 pounds so hungry I could eat a cow."

  2. I like how your blog is you. You have fun pictures and quotes. One thing is that you don't have your vocab or writing goals.
