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Monday, March 5, 2012

Why Does the Capitol Do This?

Authors Note: This is a cause and effect essay on what causes the capitol to do The Hunger games and how it effects the citizens of Panem.

When there's a cause, there's going to be effect. Whether its people themselves, or human nature. The city of Panem is in horrible shape, the capitol has dictation over all of the people by creating the annual "Hunger Games" a.k.a fight to the death. At first I didn't really get why a capitol would try and hurt their own citizens, but then I found out, The capitol wanted to show, "We are in control and you can't do anything about it." The capitol kills 23 citizens of Panem each year for no reason.

Imagine living in a world where you can't feel safe nor always worrying about getting your name picked in that big glass ball for the annual Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen lived through this horror till age 16,until her sister got picked and she stood as tribute (tribute means she's fighting instead of her sister. There she meets her ally Peeta (a.k.a bakers son), and there's a new rule if two tributes from the same district are last  they both can win. Will Peeta and Katniss's little romance live on forever or will Katniss stand alone?

Next, The capitol, evil dictators that think of their citizens of animals and treat them like their worst nightmare.
The hunger games, fight to the death, last man standing gets glory and fame for their district. Cause of the hunger games; capitol wanting more power and making sure the citizens don't get rebelative  by showing at any time your kids can be killed and you can't do anything about it. Hunger Games tears families apart by affecting the horror of seeing their kids die, nervousness for not only the family but the kids too. When you really think about it, these kids are killing other people just like them for the games, for fame. To me it kills me inside to see people like the girl from district 9 getting stabbed in the neck or little Rue dying when she was taking care of all her little siblings, what will her parents due now? The capitol kills citizens to stay  in control.

In conclusion,  the effect of the Hunger Games will live on forever unless someone stands up but most likely they will get killed. Year by year, games by games, kids and kids get killed in the arena. The effect from the hunger games is so dramatic words can't speak by themselves and  kills me that the only reason they have them is that the capitol stays in control. I am hoping on my hands and knees that someone will see what the hunger games are doing to these young citizens that are supposed to be the future of Panem, and stand up for whats right.

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