It was a cold snowy night, a young girl named Lexi at the age of 14 was babysitting 2 kids named Tommy and Keily. Their ages were 4 and 5. Lexi was babysitting them because their parents were out to dinner for a suprise birthday dinner. The kids started getting bored inside and so Lexi decided to bring them outside for a nice night of sledding. They brought their sleds and found a nice hill and started to sled. They were smiling laughing as their imagination ran off pretending they were race car drivers, professional builder builing snowmen, it was a great night. Lexi and Keily were going down the hill while Tommy waited on the hill. They were alone aceept for an old man walking his dog in the distance so they got the hill to themselves. When they finished going down the hill, they saw the sled but no Tommy. Lexi assumed that he was just laying in the sled tired. Lexi thought to herself maybe this is the last hill we should go down. When the got all the way up to the top of the hill to get Tommy, they didn't see Tommy. They looked behind trees, screaming out Tommy every ten seconds it seemed like. After a frantic hour of pure searching for this young boy, Lexi made the decision to call her parents and pick up Keily since it was getting late. Another scary half an hour passed Lexi starting to get very worried. She calls the police from a neighbors phone. When the squad car gets to the lonely hill they star out a search party with dogs and everything. It becomes midnight and Lexi heads home. She sleepsover at the house where she babysat. Well, she tried to sleep but can't bare the feeling of having a lost child in you're mind. The parents get home at 1 and sneaks into give the children a good night kiss. But when they got into Tommy's room there were nothing but scarce amount of pillows. They assumed that Tommy got a nightmare and went downstairs with Lexi. They headed downstairs and saw only Lexi crying on the couch. They asked what was wrong but she was speechless and trembling. When she started to speak about how Tommy got lost the parents comforted her knowing that they needed comfort. They called the police making sure they were looking for Tommy. They brought Lexi in to ask her some questions. She responded, "All I remember is that it was us 3 and a strange man walking his dog". The detectives soon walked out.
A day after they found the strange man that Lexi was talking about they searched his apartment clean look to find a spec of evidence to arrest this man. They searched and searched for hours but nothing. Detective Dan found something interesting when walking to head out. It was a peice of brown hair (Tommy's hair color). They asked if the man had a cat and he said no, why? They took the peice of hair into lab testing. It was a direct hit. The man was arrested but Tommy was never found.
20 years later Keily was at a mini mart buying laundry detergent. She was bringing her cart to a sharp turn and hit this man's cart. She said sorry and when she looked into his eyes he looked farmiliar. He said excuse me but she said wait stop, What's you're name? He responded Tommy. There she knew that was her brother. The cops brought him in for lab testing to match that peice of hair. Direct match.
What had really happend in this investigation is that the man took Tommy off the hill, then brought him to his house and gave him this medicine for short term memory loss, then soon let him go. The police weren't sure why he did all this stuff to Tommy for no reason but he said you know the father, He used to be my best friend. Then I aged really quickly, so he always bullied me. I took into consideration to make him more sad.
What made everything so happy is that Tommy's back and they have their nice family of four back!
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